Tony Kurre with you for Live Wire Wednesday, August 12, 2020! Let's get it!

During #LiveWireWednesday, we played one of my favorite AC/DC tunes "Whole Lotta Rosie".Despite "Rosie" being referred commonly to the palm of a man's handgun this case, it's actually a Tasmanian Tart-So the story goes...Angus explains....We'd been in Tasmania and after the show [Bon Scott] said he was going to check out a few clubs. He said he'd got about 100 yards down the street when he heard this yell: 'Hey! Bon!' He looked around and saw this leg and thought: 'Oh well!' From what he said, there was this Rosie woman and a friend of hers. They were plying him with drinks and Rosie said to him: 'This month I've slept with 28 famous people,' and Bon went: 'Oh yeah?!' Anyway, in the morning he said he woke up pinned against the wall, he said he opened one eye and saw her lean over to her friend and whisper: '29!' There's very few people who'll go out and write a song about a big fat lady, but Bon said it was worthy.